It's been awhile since I last updated this blog! To be honest I thought I was done with blogspot, or if I did start blogging on this site again I was planning on doing it with a different blog name. But I started looking through all of my old posts on here and I got really sentimental. I started this blog when I was 17! I've recorded some pretty sweet memories on here, so I decided I'd keep this blog and try to update it even if it's only every few months.
So without any further ado, here's what's happened in my life since my last post!
At the end of November I got a job (finally)! I got laid off from my previous job last march, and was basically convinced that I was going to have to settle for a job that I was going to absolutely hate. I applied at the bank where my best friend worked but I was sure I wasn't going to get the job. Then lo and behold, they called and I got it! I love it there. My coworkers are what make it so great! They are the best and I am so thankful for them!
In January, I celebrated my second vegeversary! Two years with no meat (actually now it's 2 and a half since it's June)! I can't remember what I did on that day. I know I blogged about it briefly on my tumblr but I'm too lazy to go back and find that post. Here is the celebratory picture from that day though!
Then there's school! I am finally finished with community college! I now have an associates degree in psychology and even though that's really not that big of an accomplishment I'm still kinda excited about it. Don't ask me what I'm doing next semester, because I HAVE NO IDEA. I mean I have a few options, but I'm awful at making decisions. Especially big ones like this. I am sure I will figure it out eventually!
A couple of weeks ago I turned 21! I went to the Memphis Zoo for my birthday with Tyler and Torey and we had a great time! I hadn't been to the zoo in so long. I basically spent the whole time gushing about how cute all the animals were, even the tigers and bears that I'm sure would have had me for lunch in like 2.5 seconds if they got the chance. I loved all of the animals there (well, except the snakes) but I think my favorites were the chimps, the sea lions, and of course all of the cats.
After the zoo we ate at a really cool place called J. Alexander's. I'm pretty sure I had the best veggie burger ever there. It seemed very jazz themed too, with the music and paintings and dim lighting, and I felt like I was in an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel. Like I was pretty sure Jay Gatsby was going to come walking out at any moment. We ended the day at the mall where I went to Forever 21, which has recently become one of my favorite stores! They have so much cute stuff, and I was glad to try some stuff on so I'd have a good idea what size to get when I order online. I ended up coming home with two dresses and two shirts that I love!
Other fun things I did for my birthday: I went out to eat with my parents the Saturday before. We were gonna go see a movie too, but nothing we wanted to see was out. We decided to wait and see the new Madea movie together when it comes out at the end of this month. So I'm really looking forward to that!
A couple of weeks before my birthday, Morgan made cupcakes to celebrate mine and Staci's birthdays (her bday is may 7th, mine is the 31st)! They were delicious and ADORABLE.
I think the blog has been sufficiently updated (plus I'm starting to ramble).
Hopefully I'll get better at keeping up with this, I like having this blog to look back on like a little scrapbook!
Elizabeth <3