Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Am I the only one who tends to name things?
For example:
Our family car (a cobalt) is named Cobe
My car (an old mercury mystique) is named Ollie:
My new laptop is named Zeke (short for Ezekiel)
And my camera (a Nikon L100) is unofficially named Henry
There's really no point to this blog post.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

One day without shoes!

I wrote awhile ago about how much I love TOMS shoes and today was One Day Without Shoes. One Day Without Shoes is a TOMS shoes event where you go all day (or part of the day or even a few minutes) without shoes to "experience a life without shoes first hand and to help spread awareness of the impact a simple pair of shoes can bring to a child's life."
I wasn't able to go all day without shoes (I had work in the morning) but I did go a few hours in the afternoon without shoes.

I'm glad I decided to do One Day Without Shoes, even if I didn't get to do it all day. 
I'm not the type of person who normally goes barefoot, I like to have something on my feet. Even when I'm just walking around the house I feel weird without having slippers on. So going barefoot was a little hard for me.

Today I learned that I am thankful that I have shoes. I am thankful that I don't have to walk around barefoot and face the dangers of getting some sort of disease from it. Sometimes it takes going without something to realize how important it is and how thankful you are that you have it.