Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome Fall

Fall is probably my favorite season. Lately we've had some wonderful days here, where the temperature is just right and the breeze feels perfect. Those days have been like fall previews and I'm starting to get excited :)
I even got my little "Welcome Fall" leaf and a pumpkin spice candle that makes my room smell amazing and very fall-like. I'm planning on buying even more pumpkin spice candles this weekend, because they just smell so good and they remind me of my favorite season. I can't wait for the leaves to change and for the weather to stay nice and quit being hot. I also can't wait for the Soybean festival and hayrides and hot chili on a cool night and warm jackets and riding in the car with the windows down and all the other amazing things that come with fall.

Saturday, August 7, 2010